Minecart Madness
Avoid the minecarts: The minecarts deal significant damage and can stun and knock back Brawlers. Stay alert and avoid staying on the tracks for too long. Jumping abilities like Brock's Rocket Laces Gadget can be used to safely pass over the minecarts, but be cautious as mistimed jumps can result in taking damage. Tanks like El Primo and Frank have higher chances of surviving minecart hits, but it's still best to avoid them altogether.
Use minecarts as moving walls: The minecarts block all shots, including Super attacks. This can be bothersome when trying to stop the enemy's countdown. Keep track of the minecarts' positions and plan your attacks accordingly. You can also use the minecarts strategically to block enemy shots and create temporary cover for yourself and your teammates.
Take advantage of the minecart positioning: The minecarts can create advantageous or disadvantageous situations depending on their position. Be aware of your surroundings and position yourself in a way that prevents you from getting sandwiched between enemy Brawlers and carts. Consider using Brawlers like Tara or Gene to pull enemies towards your side and corner them against the minecarts.
Gene's pull and Colette's push: Gene's Super can be used to pull enemies into incoming minecarts, dealing additional damage and setting up easy kills. However, be mindful of the timing, as the minecarts can cancel Gene's Super hand if they hit during the grabbing animation. Colette's Super can also be used to push opponents into the path of the minecarts, dealing damage and potentially eliminating them.
Utilize throwers' advantage: Throwers like Barley can take advantage of the minecarts and the bushes on the sides. Use your attacks to constantly damage opponents who are stuck in the bushes while a minecart is passing by. Take advantage of the limited movement options and burst them down with consistent damage.
Sprout's Super for offense and defense: Sprout's Super can be used offensively by trapping enemy Brawlers between the hedges and the minecart tracks. This can deal significant damage and secure kills, especially when the minecarts bend around the tracks. However, avoid placing the Super directly on the minecart tracks as the minecarts will destroy the hedges.
Utilize Barley, Penny, and Rico's abilities: Barley's main attack can cover chokepoints and hinder enemy movement. Combined with the minecart, it can create effective control zones. Penny can place her Super on her side of the map, forcing enemies to constantly move and avoid the shots. Rico's bouncing bullets can deal double damage to enemies near the minecarts, maximizing his potential in this map.
Bo's Super for temporary stops: Bo's Super can be used strategically to stop enemies for a few seconds, especially when timed with the minecart's movement. Use it to hinder enemy progress and buy time for your team's defense or to secure objectives.
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